SyringaMiddle School

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Clubs » VEX Robotics

VEX Robotics


VEX Robotics

The VEX Robotics Competition is a robotics competition from elementary through university students. It is a subset of VEX Robotics, which is in turn a subset of Innovation First International.
What: VEX IQ robotics is a competitive robotic building, programming and competition team designed
for middle school students. Students are given a specific playing field where their robot is able to score
points. Please go to and to see the official
rules of this year’s competition.
When: Students will work on robots on Tuesday afternoons from 3:00-5:00PM. Students can ride the
activity bus home, as necessary. It is critical that students who do not take the bus are picked up before
the bus arrives or they will be placed on the bus.
Why: Students will learn many things from this experience, math skills, engineering, computer
programming and perhaps the greatest thing, teamwork.
Interested? Open the Team Letter and sign up TODAY!